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Tutor Description

Conquer ACCA Taxation & Advanced Taxation with a Master Navigator on Your Side!

I’m Moneeza Siddiqui, your ACCA UK Taxation & Advanced Taxation exam sherpa, guiding you through the treacherous terrain of complex tax rules and tricky deadlines. As an ACCA member and University of London MSc in Professional Accountancy graduate, I’ve scaled these mountains myself and returned with 16 years of experience under my belt, ready to equip you with the tools and knowledge to crush your exams.

My sessions are an electrifying blend of clarity, practicality, and a dash of humor (because let’s face it, taxes can be a bit taxing on the fun factor!).

I break down the most intricate concepts into bite-sized, digestible chunks, using real-world examples and practical tips.

My expertise lies in:

  • Demystifying UK tax law: Forget the legalese, I’ll translate it into plain English you can understand and apply.
  • Mastering tricky areas: Capital Gains Tax, Inheritance Tax, and Corporation Tax – no tax topic is too scary for me to tackle.
  • Exam-smashing strategies: I’ll share proven techniques and study hacks to boost your confidence and exam performance.
  • Keeping you motivated: From pep talks to practice sessions, I’ll be your cheerleader every step of the way.