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Tutor Description

Financial Reporting Exam Tutor

Master the FR Exam with a Top-Scoring Tutor!

I’m Aleena Kareem, your proven path to FR exam success. An FCCA with 15 years of experience in teaching financial reporting stream and a track record of high scoring candidates across the globe, along with a long association as an expert tutor with ACCA global.

I have also been elected as a member MNP at an official ACCA member’s community in my region. I’ll equip you with the right knowledge and confidence to crush the exam.

My program offers:

  • Clear, engaging lecturesthat make FR concepts click.
  • Interactive workshopsto solidify your understanding and exam technique.
  • Personalized guidanceto address your specific needs and maximize your score.

Don’t settle for average. Get the expert support you deserve and achieve your ACCA goals!

Let’s unlock your FR exam potential!

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