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Terms & Conditions

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Please read completely before purchasing any course at SKANS ECampus

SKANS ECampus is the on-line study support provided by SKANS Education (Pvt.) Ltd.

Each time you purchase a course with us, you enter into a contractual arrangement with SKANS ECampus and therefore you express your understanding of the following terms and conditions.


SKANS ECampus reserves the right to update its terms and conditions as and when required and the updated version will be available on the website for ease of access.

Pre-requisites for you – the learner

For use of our on-site content, you need to have access to the following:

  • A computer system, laptop or smart device. Videos can be accessed using any of the above but access to the Practice Platform is possible using a PC or laptop only.
  • A strong internet connection
  • Access via Google Chrome is recommended
  • A valid credit/debit card (enabled for international transaction) or paypal account

SKANS ECampus is not responsible for any delays or problems that may arise due to unavailability of either of the above.

Fee Information / Refund policy

  • Purchase fee is non-refundable once the course commences.
  • 100% of the fee for the course purchased, must be deposited in advance to complete the admission process.
  • Discounts are only available in the event of a promotional campaign or specific offer made by the management (see sections on Discounts and Scholarships, Lifetime Pass Guarantee and Repeater’s Discount) in which case a promo code is provided to the student, at the time of enrolment.
  • Promotional campaigns are run at the management’s discretion and courses purchased in a campaign are not eligible for freeze or transfer.
  • Only single discount can be applied on the purchase of a single course.

Essential Learner Record Information

  • Learners are required to provide accurate and current information where required.
  • Any changes in the details must be informed via e-mail to cs@skansecampus.com
  • SKANS ECampus will not be responsible for any e-mail correspondence not being delivered due to a change in the shared details, if not informed timely.

Course Cancellation

In case of unavoidable circumstances, SKANS ECampus reserves the right to cancel a course before its commencement.

Enrolled learners will be informed with immediate effect and the registration fee refunded in full on the occurrence of such an event.

Course Transfer/ Freeze

Transfer: This is when a student wishes to switch his/her original course/ paper selection to another but for the same exam session.

Freeze: This is when a student wishes to defer the access to the course/ product purchased to a later exam attempt session.

Learners who have enrolled for a Comprehensive Study Support course, may transfer their fee for an exam session to another course for the same exam attempt or freeze their dues for the same course but for the next exam session.

The request has to be shared at cs@skansecampus.com and dependent upon the timeline elapsed, part of the initial purchase fee may be withheld, as per the following:

Within 3 days of purchase of the course/ access to videos or platform provided 0%
Within 2 weeks of the access to videos or platform provided 15%
Before 40% of the original course duration has elapsed 30%
After 40% of the original course duration has elapsed 100%
*This is a general guideline. Actual deductions may vary as per management discretion. Any changes would
primarily be based on the videos and practice platform access log.

Discounts and Scholarships

Candidates who study the CSS course at SKANS ECampus and pass, will be automatically eligible for a discounted CSS course offer.

This will be based on the marks scored in the paper they studied with SKANS ECampus, which will have to be shared with cs@skansecampus.com and the discount offered will be as follows:

Marks scored in the exam Discount offered on another CSS course
50 – 60% 30%
61 – 70% 40%
71 – 80% 50%
81 – 90% 80%
91% and above 100%
  • This is applicable on and for CSS products only
  • The CS team will share a discount code with the students post receiving proof of results
  • The discount will become invalid if not utilized within the next 2 exam attempts post the discount being offered
  • Position holders, post verification, will be offered a free course i.e. 100% discount for one CSS product for any paper and session they are interested in.

Lifetime Pass Guarantee

Candidates who take up a comprehensive study support (CSS) course with SKANS ECampus and fail will become eligible for a lifetime pass guarantee. This means they will be allowed to study any course (CSS, Mock and Practice Pack or Revision Pack
) for the same paper
for free, provided the following criteria was met when covering the original course:

  • Vlog of the knowledge/ syllabus aspects has to be ≥ 80%
  • All live sessions must have been covered: either via live attendance of the entire session or later viewing of the recording available
  • All assignments must have been attempted. An attempt means more than 60% of the marks must have been attempted.
  • The mock exam must have been attempted and passed

Candidates will be required to write to cs@skansecampus.com

  • The lifetime pass guarantee will only be offered to a student who has taken up the CSS course.
  • The eligibility for the lifetime pass guarantee will end if the students doesn’t take up the offer within 2 consecutive exam attempts.

Repeater’s Discount

Candidates who are not eligible for the Lifetime pass guarantee but have failed after studying the CSS course with us will be offered the repeaters discount.

They will be offered the CSS course for the same paper at 50% discount, provided the paper is taken up within the immediate next 2 exam attempts.


Learners are encouraged to share any informal complaints at cs@skansecampus.com so that the relevant support team can promptly deal with the issue.

In case of technical issues faced in the study room, learners should use the ‘Technical Support’ link in the study room to send a message to the relevant team.

In case the previous complaints are not catered to or if the learner wants to lodge a formal complaint, they should e-mail at complaints@skansecampus.com
The relevant team will follow-up on the complaint within 3 working days and resolve it as soon as possible, once all the facts become available.

Learner obligations

  • Read through and understand the terms and conditions
  • Review the details of the course available on the SKANS ECampus website and clarify any doubts or queries you may have before
    purchasing a course. Queries can be e-mailed at info@skansecampus.com
  • Provide the correct and current information on the enrolment form
  • Use a valid on-line credit/ debit card or paypal account to make the necessary payment and confirm your registration for the course.
  • Do not share your log-in details and password details with anyone else. In case of a breach, you are required to immediately inform SKANS ECampus at cs@skansecampus.com or e-mail your dedicated academic support counsellor
  • Access through multiple devices is allowed but restricted to 3 multiple unique system log-ins only. Access of the account through more than 3 different unique systems will be considered a breach and may cause suspension of the account, till the time the matter is resolved.

Please note: Accessing the study room in incognito mode counts as a unique system log-in.

  • Once registered follow the shared study plan to make the most of the structured support made available.

The study plan will include a recommendation for the approved study text, where applicable but SKANS ECampus will not be providing you with any hardcopy/ softcopy of the study text or practice kit of any approved publisher.

  • Meeting the deadlines for the assignments (only applicable for Comprehensive Study Support course) and mock assessment (only available for Comprehensive Study Support and Exam Success course), so that they can be marked in time.
  • For any quality concerns or challenges faced, e-mail at cs@skansecampus.com or your dedicated academic counsellor.
  • Stay in contact with your dedicated academic counsellor to maintain your progress and reach out to your tutor for any academic queries. (Study support features available only for Comprehensive Study Support courses)

SKANS ECampus obligations

  • Before registering for a course we will deal with all of your queries shared on the website chat (immediately) or via e-mail on info@skansecampus.com (within 3 working days) and provide you the relevant and up-to-date information about the course and the product.
  • Post registering for the course, we will deal with all of your queries shared on cs@skansecampus.com or to your dedicated academic counsellor within 3 working days.
  • SKANS ECampus reserves the right to cancel your registration in case there is any breach of the log-in details or provision of inaccurate data is suspected.
  • Should a course be delayed or cancelled, we will inform you immediately.
  • A detailed study plan for the course you have registered for, will be available in the study room.
  • The access to the course videos and relevant study support material will be available on enrolment.
  • The live sessions schedule for the Comprehensive Study Support course will be shared with you atleast a week before the course is due to commence and the links to join the meeting will be included in the course plan available on the study room. The links will become active on the day of the meeting.
  • The recordings of any live sessions will be made available on-line within 48 hours of the session being concluded. Not applicable for courses in The Revision Game product.
  • The assignments (Comprehensive Study Support courses) and mock assessment will be available on the practice platform for all levels.
  • For Comprehensive Study Support and Exam Success courses, feedback on the scripts sent for marking will be shared within 5 working days from the submission due date.
  • E-mail correspondence with the tutor may require 4 working days for the response.
  • The entire support outlined above will be available only for the course you have registered for and till the end of the exam week for the exam attempt specified.

Result Service Monitoring

SKANS ECampus will be requesting release of your information such as: registration number, grades, marks etc., from the relevant professional body from time to time. Accepting the terms and conditions automatically represent your permission to do so.
If you wish to opt out of this option i.e. do not wish to allow SKANS ECampus to request your information from the professional body, please send an e-mail at privacy@skansecampus.com


SKANS ECampus aims to provide all of the support outlined above with reasonable skill and care but does not guarantee that your experience will be completely error-free and that there will be no change in the services being offered from one course to the other.

We do not warrant that the services or servers hosting them will be virus free.

This agreement is not an exclusive arrangement between SKANS ECampus or one specific learner and we reserve the right to enter into multiple similar arrangements.

Disclaimer for BSc Applied Accounting enrolment

Neither the Mentor nor the management, bear any responsibility for any likely outcome of the RAP. Mentors’ comments are only expressions of their experience-based personal opinion; not deemed binding in any way.

The purpose of mentoring will only be restricted to the provision of guidance and instructions by the Mentor.
Conducting research work, preparing work, and making improvements according to the feedback given by the Mentor, are all sole responsibilities of the mentee. Mentors are neither obligated nor expected to edit the working draft for mentees or reduce word counts or make any amendments to research work.

If the mentor finds any evidence, that a mentee has indulged or currently indulges in plagiarism, or attempts to solicit the mentor into doing any work for the mentee, the mentoring relationship will end immediately
Mentors reserve the right to sign off the RAP. If the Mentor concludes that a RAP should not be submitted, due to academic reasons, they reserve the right to refuse to vet the RAP.

Mentees bear the sole responsibility for the submission of the RAP.
Failing to meet more than two deadlines as agreed with the mentor, will result in a drop from the batch, and no fee will be carried forward or refunded.


All content included on this site: text, graphics, logos, course material, digital downloads and software is the property of SKANS ECampus or the relevant third-party content that is referenced and is protected by international copyright laws.

AFD Revision Course

Terms and Conditions

  1. Course access: The access to the revision course will be for a total of 45 days from the date of enrolment, with no further extension A learner will have to re-enrol for any further access to the same paper revision course.
  2. Course fee concession: The course fee concession for a particular paper course is available one-off to learners who had > 70% attendance in the originally enrolled in-person course for the same paper.
  3. Course fee refund: There will be no refund of the course fee, if paid, for any reason.
  4. Course coverage and software download: The course coverage is the responsibility of the learner, and the management will not be accountable for ensuring that the revision material is accessed by the learner. The learner will be required to download the relevant software, to access the study videos.
  5. Course contents: The revision course will provide access to the following contents of the paper enrolled in:
  • SKANS Study notes: on-line access only, these cannot be downloaded.
  • Revision course videos: on-line and off-line access via the relevant app.
  • Revision course slides: on-line and off-line access as the slides can be downloaded.
  • Practice sets: on-line access only. Each set can be attempted 5 times and the solution and explanation can only be accessed on-line, after submitting the practice set answers.
  1. Mock assessment: The learner will be able to attempt the mock exam in-person after submitting the exam entry for a particular exam attempt. The mock will be planned as per the schedule for the relevant exam attempt.

    *Applies to Pakistan based candidates only