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About SKANS ECampus

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Welcome Note From The CEO

SKANS School of Accountancy realized the potential of online learning in the year 2016 and decided to invest in this increasingly popular medium of education delivery. Within a short span of two years, SKANS launched its ECampus in 2018 and took the accountancy profession students by storm. Candidates who were looking for quality learning but with flexible timings, had their solution.

SKANS understands that the Internet has changed the way people communicate, socialize, do business, shop, gain knowledge, learn and educate. Due to the pandemic, online schooling has gained momentum and it has changed the face of traditional face-to-face classroom into virtual learning environment. It now comes in a variety of styles like complete online recorded lectures, hybrid form (combination of online and on campus), live streaming etc. to match with the needs of new generation who likes flexibility, quality with minimum cost and quick responses to their queries.

Our satisfied global community of students, pass rates, attendance of participants in our online resources complement the hard work of our faculty who make learning fun for attendees. The support team of SKANS ECampus is always available to respond to the queries of our student and to fix their problems within no time. Our live sessions, practice resources, marking and feedback of mock examinations are liked by the participants which in turn motivates students to study smart and ensure exam success.

I welcome you all to our digital platform – SKANS ECampus and encourage students to make full use of SKANS resources for guaranteed success.

Sajid Hussain

About SKANSEcampus