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  • Explore our ACCA LIVE courses taught in a bilingual format, seamlessly blending Urdu/Hindi and English for an enriching learning experience. Enroll Now


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To join the ACCA qualification, a school leaver must have at least 2 A-Level passes and 3 O-Level passes but all in different subjects. 2 of these subjects should be English and Maths.

For learners who do not meet the above criteria, ACCA offers a suite of Foundation qualifications known as Foundations in Accountancy (FIA).

Completing the diploma level of FIA also enables a learner to become eligible to join the ACCA qualification and claim 3 exemptions from the first 3 papers of ACCA.

Learners with any other academic background can find more information at http://www.accaglobal.com/gb/en/help/exemptions.html

You can register online with ACCA any time throughout the year and begin your ACCA journey. To register you need to fill out the registration form, upload your supporting documents and submit the registration fee.

The supporting documents include:

  • A passport style photograph
  • Proof of identity (copy of birth certificate/national ID card/passport or driving licence)
  • Official educational documents

To register visit the following link:

ACCA comprises of 13 distinct exams and apart from the first 4 papers which are on-demand and can be taken at any time during the year, the body conducts 4 exam sessions in a year. Candidates can attempt a total of 8 exams in a year – so they can ideally complete the exams in around 2 years.

But candidates also need to complete 36 months of relevant work experience in an accounts or finance role, to become an ACCA member. This experience can be gained simultaneously while attempting the exams, so at a minimum, it will take a candidate 3 years to complete the qualification.

The qualification comprises of 15 papers in total split in different progression levels. Candidates need to only qualify 13 out of these to complete the exam requirements of ACCA.

The levels and associated papers are:


Business and Technology (BT)/ Foundations in Business and Technology (FBT)

Management Accounting (MA)/ Foundations in Management Accounting (FMA)

Financial Accounting (FA)/ Foundations in Financial Accounting (FFA)


Corporate and Business Law (LW)

Performance Management (PM)

Taxation (TX)

Financial Reporting (FR)

Audit and Assurance (AA)

Financial Management (FM)


Strategic Business Leader (SBL)

Strategic Business Reporting (SBR)

Options (two to be completed)

Advanced Financial Management (AFM)

Advanced Performance Management (APM)

Advanced Taxation (ATX)

Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA)

At the time of registration, you will be required to pay a registration fee plus annual subscription, which will apply for the rest of that calendar year. Subsequently an annual subscription will be payable by 1 January each year.

The list of fees, including registration, annual subscription and exam fees, relevant to you can be viewed at the following link:


Note: This does not cover the fees charged by the institute you opt to study with.

ACCA builds up a candidate’s knowledge level from the foundation, therefore it is logical to follow the sequence of the papers shared in the exam structure (above).

On the SKANS ECampus website, each course introduction indicates, knowledge of which prior paper is relevant for that course; for example: Management Accounting OR Foundations in Management Accounting for Performance Management.

If you have completed the pre-requisite knowledge paper, you will be eligible for the course you are reviewing.

But you can write to us at info@skansecampus.com or chat with us online for more guidance for your particular scenario.

You can e-mail us at info@skansecampus.com or chat with us online and our competent staff will be more than happy to answer your queries.
In addition you can visit the students section on the ACCA website: https://www.accaglobal.com/gb/en/student.html

The website will provide you with details on the examination progression rules, study materials, Practical Experience Requirements (PER), minimum entry, exemptions, study guides, past examination papers and the ACCA ethics module.

All you need to do is contact ACCA Connect at:

110 Queen Street, Glasgow, G1 3BX, United Kingdom

T: +44 (0)141 582 2000


You need to re-register with ACCA.
At the time of re-registration a re-registration fee must be paid along with any outstanding amount that you owe to ACCA.

There are two ways to re-register:

1.By calling ACCA connect on +44 (0) 141 582 2000 and pay by debit/credit card.

Make sure you have all of the following before calling:

  • Your ACCA registration number
  • Your email address
  • Your mailing address
  • A valid debit/ credit card in your name

2.Or you can re-register by filling out a form and sending it to ACCA by post along with your payment by cheque or postal order. The application will be processed within 10 working days of receipt. You can visit the following link for registration by form:

If you sign up for a comprehensive study support course, you get access to the following:

  • Detailed study plan reflecting the current syllabus
  • Topic-wise recorded lectures (available on-line) to cover the knowledge aspect of the syllabus
  • For ACCA only: A set on study notes available online as part of the main course fee but also available for download for a nominal fee of £5.00 per paper.
  • Live webinars as per assigned schedule for question practice and Q & A with the tutors, with recordings available on-line for subsequent viewing
  • Regular assignments that will be marked and the feedback shared. Assignments that are submitted after the deadline can still be marked if you purchase the flexible marking add-on for £10.00 per paper (ACCA only).
  • Access to the Session CBE practice platform
  • 2 Question Based Revision (QBR) days at the end of the course with the tutor
  • 1 exam level mock assessment with feedback and live mock de-brief session
  • Continuous tutor support via e-mail correspondence
  • Continuous academic support from a dedicated academic counsellor
  • Videos covering topic/syllabus area/ question specific exam techniques
  • Access to the relevant paper, practice sets
  • Practice sets include exam level questions tested in the format of the live ACCA exams
  • 1 exam level mock assessment with feedback and live mock de-brief session with the subject specialist
  • Videos covering a recap of the relevant syllabus
  • Videos covering exam level question de-briefs
  • 1 exam level mock assessment and recorded mock de-brief session by the subject specialist

For On-demand courses: There is no last date of enrolment. You can purchase the course at any time during the year.

For Exam attempt specific courses: The enrolments for a particular exam attempt session are open till the exam week of the specific exam attempt. So you can enroll and get access to the relevant material anytime during this time window.

It is recommended that you enroll well in advance so that you are able to cover the syllabus and complete your preparation in time for your exam.


For On-demand courses: For 4 months from the day of enrolment

For Exam attempt specific courses: The exact duration depends upon the date of enrolment but the maximum duration of the access is stated below

Comprehensive Study Support: For upto 5 months for ACCA and upto 6 months for CA

Exam Success: For upto 1.5 months

The Revision Game: For upto 1 month

Depending upon when you decide to switch your exam attempt, your current enrolment will either be fully transferred to the requested attempt or transferred with some deductions. Please refer to the Terms & Conditions for details of the schedule.

All our tutors possess the relevant professional qualification and have years of teaching and industry experience.

Brief profile of the relevant tutor is visible in the Comprehensive Study Support course that you purchase as well as in the quick links at the foot of the website.

The live session in the Comprehensive Study Support courses and the mock session for the Exam Success course, will be recorded. The recordings will be available for you to view on the study plan, within 48 hours of the session ending.

Post registering for a course, you will have access to your study room that will display a detailed study plan for the paper you purchased and is designed by the relevant tutor.

This plan will give you guidance on the sequence of topics that you should follow in terms of viewing the topic videos available as well as for reading the relevant study material. (The approved study text from publishers such as BPP, Kaplan or ICAP will be recommended but not provided in the course).

The study plan for the Comprehensive Study Support course indicates which topics will be the focus of the tutors discussion in the scheduled live practice sessions, and highlights important dates such as assignments release, Question Based Revision dates and mock assessment deadline.

Candidates who have purchased the Comprehensive Study Support course and who submit their assignments and mock exam on time, get detailed feedback on their performance within 5 working days from the submission deadline.

Should you know at the time of the purchase that you will not be able to meet the deadlines, you can select the add on feature of ‘flexible marking support’ at an additional cost of £10 per paper you enroll for.

This feature ensures that you get detailed feedback on your assignments or mock exam, even if you submit it after the originally shared deadlines.

Important: This feature is linked to a specific exam attempt, therefore the access to this support is only available for a particular period of time i.e. till the start of the relevant exam week.

You can purchase this feature at a later date by contacting cs@skansecampus.com or your dedicated academic counsellor.

For pre-enrolment queries, please write at info@skansecampus.com or start an online chat with our representative

Post enrolling for a course, please write at cs@skansecampus.com or e-mail your dedicated academic counsellor

If you have an academic query, you can simply use the ‘Ask the Tutor’ link available in the course plan or e-mail the tutor on their dedicated email id.

We hope it doesn’t come to that but if you do have a complaint, you can e-mail at cs@skansecampus.com or use the Technical Support link to send a message directly through your Study Room. If you have to make a formal complaint, e-mail us at complaints@skansecampus.com . You can find out further details of our complaints policy in our Terms & Conditions.

Following mode of payments are available at SKANS ECampus:

Mode of Payment Requirement
PayPal Candidate must have an active PayPal account, with sufficient funds to complete the order.
Credit/Debit Card
(For non-PayPal Countries)
Candidate must have an active Credit/ Debit Card, with sufficient funds to complete the order.
Before making the transaction make sure that your bank has placed no restriction on international transactions.
Payment on Campus
(Option available for Pakistan based students only)
Candidate can make payment against the placed order by visiting SKANS campus in their city or via Bank transfer
Bank details are shared by the relevant team after the order is placed and the Payment on Campus option selected
JazzCash Mobile Account Candidate must have an active JazzCash account, with sufficient funds to complete the order.
JazzCash Shop
(Option available for Pakistan based students only)
If this option is selected, the candidate will receive a system generated invoice. The candidate needs to visit the nearest JazzCash shop and make the payment against the issued invoice.

Sometimes there are issues with the debit/credit card being used for a transaction.
Here is a list of the possible reasons why transactions on cards get denied and a the action that can be taken to resolve the issue:

Issue Reason Solution
Authentication Failed / Restricted Card Your card issuer/ bank has declined the transaction as the credit card has some restrictions. Contact your bank and remove the restrictions or use an alternate credit card
Do Not honor This error generally indicates that your bank is declining your card for an unspecified reason. It can simply be because of a restriction on the card for international transactions Contact your bank and ask them to remove the restrictions, so you can make the payment
Unspecified Error Your card issuer/ bank has declined the transaction as there is a problem with the card number. You should use an alternate debit/ credit card or if there was no issue with the card used, contact your bank.
Invalid Transaction The bank has declined the transaction because of an invalid format or field. This indicates the card details were incorrect. Check card data entered and try again. Ensure there are no spaces or special characters (, &, $) in the card number.
Insufficient Funds This indicates lack of funds in your account for the payment to be processed. Ensure you have sufficient amount in the account you wish to use or use a different card for the transaction.
Expired Card Your card is no longer valid as it has expired. Use a different card for the transaction.
Dropped / Timed Out Sometimes when the transaction takes too long to process, the transaction may get dropped or the session times out. Start a new transaction by placing a new order