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ACCA Exams: Ace It! Simple Tips to Avoid Failure

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ACCA exam avoid failure

The ACCA attempt is nearing and if you’re reading this; you must have already booked your exam slot for the upcoming term, and you wouldn’t want to risk failure. Yes, we understand you want to do well and make the most of this attempt. So, just read out these simple suggestions carefully, and do well in your ACCA exams

We know that not every one of us has the same set of study patterns, and we also understand that you may not find all of these tips useful, but some or most of these will provide you with value to score well in your upcoming exams with SKANS ECampus. Just take a good look at our suggestions and consider them in your revision plans:

Analyze & Organise

The first thing should be to analyze your whole syllabus for exams. You need to know how much syllabus you have on your hand and how long it will take to cover, without having to panic at the last moment. By taking these steps you’ll also have ample time for revision later on.

Next, organize your study notes and the rest of the study material to go through. Once you know where to start from and how to tackle a topic efficiently and effectively, it becomes easy to learn and study, and so, preparing for your exam becomes a lot easier as well.

Create a Schedule

Make a proper schedule for yourself, Practice Sessions, Video Lectures, CBE Courses SKANS ECampus as it not only keeps you on track but also creates discipline in your academic life. Similarly, it helps in balancing work and study for those who do both simultaneously. You can divide your syllabus into days, make sure you are giving ample time to all the important topics, and are not wasting time or procrastinating.

  Teach Yourself

While studying, teach yourself like you would teach someone else, and explain the concept that you understand to yourself Moving Forward: Failed ACCA Exams – SKANS ECampus. It will help you remember the topic for a longer period and also determine how well you have grasped the key concepts for some of the important topics.

  1.   Create Quick Notes/Flash Cards

Flashcards help to recall the lesson and effectively retain that information. These are good ways to practice and analyze. Quick notes/flashcards are a great way for visual learning, and you can consult them for revision anytime and anywhere, instead of reading the entire topic in detail. 

  1.   Rest Between Sessions

Remember to breathe and take it easy every once in a while. Study for a maximum of 2 hours at once and then take a small break, before continuing further. If you study for hours at length, you can burn out and lose motivation altogether. This can be detrimental to your overall progress, so to avoid it, space out your study sessions into small 2-hour slots throughout the day. 

  1.   Quick Snap Your Syllabus

Before exams, when you need to revise, consult the small to the point notes or flashcards directly, don’t consult the book or lengthy notes, as it may cause frustration and confusion. Revising from flashcards will help focus and retain crucial information that you will retain till exam time when needed. 

Moving Forward: Failed ACCA Exams – SKANS ECampus

  1.   Feel Good & Relax

Right before your exam, relax, and calm down. Don’t panic and cram your brain with any piece of information not studied before, as it will not only confuse you, but you might also forget the topics already learned.

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